Link a Delicious Bookmark Account

Delicious is a social network for saving your bookmarks in the cloud. Not only is it handy for saving your own bookmarks but also for sharing them between other computers you use and linking with other people who are interested in the same sort of things that you are interested in.

I have two Delicious accounts- one for my teacher links and one for class links.

For an example...

I intend to use the resource School Journal Level 2 February 2012.

I want learners to be able to access ANZAC Button resources mentioned in the journal as I want the children to visit the websites and not randomly access the internet as many sites are too hard for them to access as the URLs are too long for children to be able to copy them. I also want easy access to the websites as I might want to use them each year and I don't want to have to repeat myself.

So I save the bookmarks to Delicious or Diigo, adding annotation to the links and link to the account from the sidebar of the blog so learners can easily access complicated web addresses

Here are links to my delicious accounts so you can see how it works.

Then link it in the side bar along with the other links. You put an easy access bookmarklet on your toolbar so you can save links with one click.

When you save a bookmark to Delicious or Diigo you can tag it to multiple folders- eg maths, juniors, wikis, DLO.

Or you can also link to one tag in your Delicious or Diigo account. In this way children have easy access to suitable web sites with one click.