Adding Gadgets on Your Side Bar

Adding gadgets to the side bar of your blog really adds functionality and interest to your blog.

To add a gadget go to the OVERVIEW. Then go to the LAYOUT.

Click on ADD A GADGET.

Scroll down the list and click the plus for the gadget you want.

You can repeat the process and get lots of gadgets.

Here is a list of gadgets that I have found useful.

  • Pages- add static page to your blog- one that doesn't scroll away over time.
  • Search box- search your blog 
  • Html- very useful for adding things like YouTube videos and services from other web sites.
  • Text- it's good to write a little about your class so visitors know what year level you teach, who you are and why you are blogging.
  • Picture- a good place to put a class photo
  • Slideshow- add a slideshow of photos from the blog.
  • Poll- ask your readers to vote on topics of interest.
  • Link List- this is how I add links to Reading, Maths etc website to add usefulness and functionality to your blog.
  • Labels- group your blog posts into categories or add children's names so they can easily find their blog posts.